List of easy-to-medium challenges you can try
The bytecount is the minimum bytecount users in this class have been able to get to, but you should feel free to outgolf or notice a new feature that lets you golf any one of these further. If you do, please ping a teacher or submit a pull request so that the bytecount can be updated. Here is a list with challenges:
- Add two numbers (e.g. f(1, 2)=3) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Subtract two numbers (e.g. f(5, 3)=2) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Multiply two numbers (e.g. f(2, 4)=8) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Divide two numbers (e.g. f(3, 2)=1.5) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Integer-divide two numbers (e.g. f(9, 4)=2) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Modulo two numbers (e.g. f(100, 57)=43) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Exponentiate two numbers (e.g. f(6, 6)=46656) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- N-root two numbers (e.g. f(134217728, 9)=8) Minimum needed bytes: 3
- Negate a number (e.g. f(600)=-600, f(-5)=5) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Find the absolute value (e.g. f(-8192)=8192, f(11)=11) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Find Nth prime number (e.g. f(15)=47) Minimum needed bytes: 2
- Find Nth Fibonacci number (e.g. f(100)=354224848179261915075) Minimum needed bytes: 2
- Create an N×M 2D array (list of lists) of anything. Even inconsistent values are allowed. Example for f(5, 4):
[[1, 3, 1, 4, 8888], [[1, 2], 3, '@', 0, -9999999999999], ['', '', 1j, (1+2j), ['l', 'l', 'a', 'm', 'a']], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
(Minimum needed bytes: 2)
- Reverse a list (e.g. f([1, 2, ‘a’, [‘b’, ‘c’]])=[[‘b’, ‘c’], ‘a’, 2, 1]) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Find 1/N (e.g. f(5)=0.2) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Given a prime number N, find the prime after N (e.g. f(47)=53) Minimum needed bytes: 2
- Find the largest list of consecutive positive integers that sum to N (e.g. f(100)=[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]) Minimum needed bytes: 5
- Same as above, but in compact form [min, max] or [max, min], even if min == max. (e.g. f(100)=[9, 16]) Minimum needed bytes: 7
- Draw a diagonal line from top-left to bottom-right, using space as padding and a consistent non-whitespace char as the line. Example for f(10):
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
(Minimum needed bytes: 5)
- Draw an X with odd-length diagonals, using space as padding and a consistent non-whitespace char as the X. You won’t have to handle even lengths. Example for f(7):
(Minimum needed bytes: 8)
- Draw an N×N checkerboard with white top-left square. Use space for white and a consistent non-whitespace char for black. Trailing spaces not required. Example for f(8):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
(Minimum needed bytes: 7)
- Same as above, but with black top-left square instead. Example for f(8):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
(Minimum needed bytes: 7)
- Draw a right triangle with equal perpendicular sides of length N. You must use a not necessarily consistent non-whitespace char. Example for f(5):
# ## ### #### ##### #### ### ## #
(Minimum needed bytes: 4)
- Draw a square with side length N (not necessarily consistent non-whitespace char). Example for f(9):
######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### #########
(Minimum needed bytes: 4)
- Draw a rectangle with side lengths N×M (not necessarily consistent non-whitespace char). Example for f(4, 3):
#### #### ####
(Minimum needed bytes: 3)
- Find the average (e.g. f([1.5, 2.33, 3.1010101, 3.14])=2.517752525) Minimum needed bytes: 2
- Find the median (e.g. f([-0.1777777777, -2.5, -333333, -444])=-223.25) Minimum needed bytes: 2
- Find the average of the average and median (e.g. f([1, 10, 20, 30])=15.125) Minimum needed bytes: 6
- Find the LCM of a list of integers (e.g. f([4, 8, 12])=24) Minimum needed bytes: 3
- Find the GCD of a list of integers (e.g. f([6, 120])=6) Minimum needed bytes: 2
- Simplify a fraction of the form [x, y] (e.g. f([6, 8])=[3, 4]) Minimum needed bytes: 3
- Alternatively, you may take two arguments x and y (e.g. f(6, 8)=[3, 4]) Minimum needed bytes: 3
- Execute Jelly code (e.g. f([‘1’, ‘+’, ‘1’])=2) Minimum needed bytes: 1
- Determine why these can be done in 0 bytes:
- Evaluate a valid Python literal and listify it (e.g. f([‘1’,’,’])=[1])
- Execute valid Python code (e.g. f([‘a’, ‘=’. ‘1’, ‘;’, ‘p’, ‘r’, ‘i’, ‘n’, ‘t’, ‘(‘, ‘a’, ‘+’, ‘1’, ‘)’])=[] plus
- Explain why this happens:
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